Maintaining a Healthy Approach
Getting into your dream school may be at the top of your priority list these days, but without proper balance, anxiety can get the best of you. Negative thought processes impair growth by incapacitating risk-taking. A person who is constantly anxious and afraid to fail will have a difficult time attempting anything new for fear of failure. Some of our most wonderful accomplishments can only come from failure. We must learn to see failure as something positive. We can welcome failure as a step towards growth and greatness.
Develop Self Awareness
You may start the work on changing a negative mindset by simply becoming aware of any negative inner monologue that presently exists. So whenever you think any negative thoughts, just stop and take a moment to be aware of the thought that crept into your head. Once you become aware of one negative thought, it will be easy to spot the rest. Awareness is the key to change the negativity into positivity.
Your Life, Your Choices
Therefore, once you are aware of these negative thoughts you can begin to change them. Start by considering where these thoughts originated and discredit them. Think about the thought one at a time…Did someone train you to think this way? We feel a lot of pressure from family, friends, teachers, media, and we get messages from all of them telling us what is expected of us. Remember though, that only you have the power to accept or reject other people’s messages. Your life, your choices, and your happiness belong to you.
Once you have found the awareness in your thoughts, you will want to engage in self-talk. Learn to have new conversations with yourself, using positivity as your guide. You can achieve your dreams with the right mindset and with a healthy support network and access to the resources you need. Make sure you find balance by creating networks of people who are nurturing and helpful to your process.
Making the Best of Your Time
In order to have enough time for self-care and socialization, you may want to invest time in developing effective study skills. You can do both, get into your dream school and still have time for self-care. Read our article found here for more information on studying smarter, not harder.